This year, God shall distinguish you. You are authorized to condemn every evil mouth that rises up against you in judgement! Beginning from this year on, you will reign in your family, your neighbourhood, your sphere of influence and create the change you desire in your life.This year has started well, it will go soundly and end on an excellent note for you and all yours. Jehovah will crown you with fatness in Jesus’ name. Join us on this journey of knowing, serving, walking with God better to enjoy The Lord’s favour through the Restoration and Refreshing instrumentality of deep worship and praise this year.It is advisable that you practice the principle of divine priority by putting God first in your daily allotment of time; spend your first waking moments in his presence, thank Him for waking you up again, praise and worship Him. That is the key that pens the day.The recommended bible reading for each day is under the theme at the top of the page. After reading the passage, the daily quote should be recited collectively during the devotion and individually over and over again throughout the day. This helps you to commit it to memory and declare or pray it over your life where necessary. Also, find time to meditate on the daily quote during the day to build up your faith. Digest and store up God’s word in your heart so as to easily pull out to use in times of needs or challenges.There is a brief teaching to explain and buttress the bible reading with revelations, testimonies and wisdom nuggets. This gives you the understanding of how to apply it to your specific needs. Look out for action points and biblical principles to adopt and practice. Then pen them down underneath the teaching as indicated. Remember, it is what you ‘observe to do’ in God’s word that compels Him to fulfil the promise in His word towards you. Deuteronomy 28:1. This portion ends with prayer points which help you to personalize the word and pray it into your life in order to produce the desired effect. You may want to add other personal prayer points as you are inspired or according to your needs. Also, set aside a few minutes for contributions, questions and additional prayer points. This devotional guide for each day can be completed in 20 minutes or les and can be stretched to cover one hour or more as the case may be. Lastly, you have the bible in one year reading plan which would enable you complete reading the entire bible in one year.