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At Good Tidings Bible Church International, our mandate is to connect you to God, you to your purpose and your purpose to power. Fellowship in any of our branches close to you.

Plot 125, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Way, Utako, Abuja, Nigeria.
+(234) 901284-3888

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Contact Info

Plot 125, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Way, Utako, Abuja, Nigeria.

(+234) 901 - 284 - 3888




1]   This Devotional can only be used on ONE DEVICE only.
2]   Download your device application to open the Daily Word Devotional below:
ANDROID: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pdf.updfreader

IOS: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1543661709
WINDOWS: https://pdfunshare.com/down/updfreader.exe



This devotional is a rich spiritual resource that is ideal for an individual, a family or fellowship group. It is meant to serve as guide for your personal quiet time or family devotion and also to provide a focus for your meditation throughout the day. Hence each day has a theme or title. Where there are two or more people, let the devotion time be participatory so that each person would benefit optimally from the devotional.

It is advisable that you practice the principle of divine priority by putting God first in your daily allotment of time; spend your first waking moments in his presence, thank Him for waking up again; praise and worship Him. That is the key that opens the day.