Quick contact info

At Good Tidings Bible Church International, our mandate is to connect you to God, you to your purpose and your purpose to power. Fellowship in any of our branches close to you.

Plot 125, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Way, Utako, Abuja, Nigeria.
+(234) 901284-3888

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Do reach us through Testimony Number or Email.

Contact Info

Plot 125, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Way, Utako, Abuja, Nigeria.

(+234) 901 - 284 - 3888


Evangelism Ministry

The  aim of Good Tidings Evangelism (G.T.E) is to give people who have not heard or yet accepted gospel the opportunity the opportunity to hear the gospel and respond to it. And we strongly believe  it is an assignment given to all Christians by Jesus Christ himself (Matthew 28:19-20). Moreover, how can people respond if they never heard about him? “The harvest is plenteous but the workers are few.” Good Tidings Evangelism (GTE) is saddled with the responsibilities of organizing and managing Good Tiding Bible Church International’s efforts towards fulfillment of the Kingdom growth & expansion responsibilities divinely given to believers.